It's been a while since I truly let go and enjoyed riding my longboard... but tonight was a rare night. I was originally supposed to spend it babysitting for my sister which I didn't mind. She happens to have 2 of the greatest kids ever, but she ended up staying home tonight.
I got a call from an old friend about carpooling up to a concert in SLC then possibly boarding a bit. We parked about 10 blocks away to avoid crowds from the concert. We were already late so we found ourselves speeding down SLC streets dodging traffic on our longboards just to catch the last few songs of the headlining band.
Afterwards we drove up to the top of the University of Utah as far up the mountain as we could go. My friend led us on a path that ended up being the longest i've ever ridden on a longboard. We road straight down to down town SLC . it was almost 1 by the time we finally stopped to turn around and head back uphill... which ended up taking a lot longer than i had expected. It ended up being a great night. (Other than the fact my toe was killing me from an earlier accident during volleyball)
here is a video of part of the path we took.